Welcome to Taiye's Page

My Name Is Taiye Wright im a Highschool Student and i love gardens.Some hobbies of mine are playing my game. I like to go out side sometimes and play with chalk in the drive way, I like to take walks and trips to places and take pictures of beautiful scenerys, and i like to go to parks and chill.

These are images that best describe me

Things I Like

My Top 3 Favorite Flowers

  1. Rose
  2. Sunflower
  3. Carnation

My 3 Potential Careers

Why Am I Interested In Nurising So Much

Every since i was kid i always loved the hospital. I loved the smell of the hospitals,the nurses there,and the playgrounds in the children hopitals. When i grew up i noticed that i always wanted to help people that was in need. My mom once told me when its my time to go i want to be known for somethig good,to be remebered by something and i want to be know for saving people lives.

What My Week Would Look Like

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
Fasting Work Gardening Work Work Outside Outisde
Church Work Grandma House Work Work Store Outside
Fasting Work Grandma House Work Work Store Outside
Church Work Grandma House Work Work Outside Store